UI Tile Door Lock


This Crestron Home extension provides a UI tile that gives feedback and control of  a door lock.

SKU: CPLLC.UITile.DoorLock Categories: , ,


This Crestron Home extension provides a UI tile that gives feedback and control of  a door lock. This extension will need to be “wired” into the actual hardware for control of the actual door lock.  A UI tile minimizes quick action clutter.

Drivers->UI Tiles->Control Programming LLC->Door Lock (Latest OS3 Release Notes) (Download Latest OS3 Version)

Drivers->UI Tiles->Control Programming LLC->Door Lock (Latest OS4 Release Notes) (Download Latest OS4 Version)

Windows utility that simplifies sideloading of drivers and extensions.

Installer Options

  • License Key – the license key is entered here (if a site license is being used then the site license only needs to be entered once)
  • Starting PIN Code – Enter the initial PIN code.  Leave blank to disable PIN codes.
  • Check to Make Visible – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Check to Make Clickable – checked if you want to be able to toggle the lock by touching the room tile


  • Door Lock Enabled – enable the extension
  • Door Lock Disable – disable the extensions (all actions will be ignored)
  • Door Lock Unlock – unlock the door
  • Door Lock Lock – lock the door
  • Door Lock Auto On – turn auto on
  • Door Lock Auto Off – turn auto off
  • Door Lock Sensor Locked – feedback from sensor indicates door is locked
  • Door Lock Sensor Unlocked – feedback from sensor indicates door is not locked


  • Door Lock Enabled – extension has been enabled
  • Door Lock Disabled – extension has been disabled
  • Door Lock Unlocked – door is unlocked with auto off.
  • Door Lock Locked –  door is locked with auto off.
  • Door Lock Unlocked w/Auto – door is unlocked with auto on.
  • Door Lock Locked w/Auto – door is locked with auto off.

Additional information

Crestron Home OS Version

OS3, OS4