UI Tile Door Unlock

This Crestron Home extension provides a UI tile that uses discreet feedback to maintain a door lock’s state. This UI Tile only allows the door to be unlocked.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: CPLLC.UITile.DoorUnlock Categories: , ,


This Crestron Home extension provides a UI tile that uses discreet feedback to maintain a door lock’s state. This UI Tile only allows the door to be unlocked. This extension will need to be “wired” into the actual hardware for control of the actual door lock.  A UI tile minimizes quick action clutter.  There are actions for sensor input (i.e. locked and unlocked) and the state of the lock is determined solely by that feedback.

Drivers->UI Tiles->Control Programming LLC->Door Unlock (Latest OS3 Release Notes) (Download Latest OS3 Version)

Drivers->UI Tiles->Control Programming LLC->Door Unlock (Latest OS4 Release Notes) (Download Latest OS4 Version)

Windows utility that simplifies sideloading of drivers and extensions.

This extension requires the License Manager to also be installed on the Crestron Home processor.  This can be found in Crestron Home at Drivers->License Manager->Control Programming LLC->License Manager.

Platform Installer Options

  • Obtain License Key – clicking on the CPLLC.net link will bring up the website where a license key can be acquired.  The key will need to be entered into the License Manager in the appropirate SKU (CPLLC.UI.Shades)
  • Show on Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.Sho
  • Show on Room Screen – check if you want the tile visible in the Room.
  • Starting PIN Code – if blank PIN Codes will be disabled.  Otherwise this is the starting numeric pin code.
  • Tile Clickable – if checked, pressing the room tile will toggle the state.
  • Only Display Tile – if checked, only the Tile would be displayed in the home/room page.  If unchecked, there would be an additional page of discreet buttons.


  • Door Lock Enabled – enable the extension
  • Door Lock Disable – disable the extensions (all actions will be ignored)
  • Door Lock Unlock – unlock the door
  • Door Lock Auto On – turn auto on
  • Door Lock Auto Off – turn auto off
  • Door Lock Sensor Locked – feedback from sensor indicates door is locked
  • Door Lock Sensor Unlocked – feedback from sensor indicates door is not locked


  • Door Lock Enabled – extension has been enabled
  • Door Lock Disabled – extension has been disabled
  • Door Lock Unlocked – door is unlocked with auto off.
  • Door Lock Unlocked w/Auto – door is unlocked with auto on.

Additional information

Crestron Home OS Version

OS3, OS4