UI Tile Feedback


This Crestron Home extension provides a UI tile that provides a configurable toggle tile.

SKU: CPLLC.SDK.UITile.Feedback Categories: , ,


This Crestron Home extension provides a UI tile that provides binary sensors feedback. The displayed icons and text are user definable in the installer options.  This extension will need to be “wired” into what the on state is supposed to trigger as well as the off state.  A UI tile minimizes quick action clutte

Drivers->UI Tiles->Control Programming LLC->Toggle (OS4) (Latest Release OS4 Notes) (Download Latest OS4 Version)

Windows utility that simplifies sideloading of drivers and extensions.

This extension requires the License Manager to also be installed on the Crestron Home processor.  This can be found in Crestron Home at Drivers->License Manager->Control Programming LLC->License Manager.

Valid Crestron Home icon names can be found here.  An example icon would be the stop icon “icStop” or the play icon “icPlay”.  All icon string names begin with the letters “ic”.

Installer Options

  • Obtain License Key – clicking on the CPLLC.net link will bring up the website where a license key can be acquired.  The key will need to be entered into the field below.
  • Enter License Key – License key obtained above can be placed here
  • Check to make Clickable – if checked, clicking on the tile will execute the toggle.  Otherwise when the tile is clicked, control will be transferred to the PIN code processing or the actual control page if Pin codes are disabled.
  • Show on Home Page – checked if this extension is to be visible on the Home page
  • Show in Room Page – checked if you want this extension visible on the Room page
  • Controls Page Title – Title to be displayed at the top of the button selection page.
  • On Icon – Icon string to be displayed next to the On text.  Leave blank if you do not want an icon. The string must be one of these.
  • On Button Text – On button text to be displayed
  • On Feedback Text – On feedback text to be displayed on the tile as well as controls page.
  • Off Icon – Icon string to be displayed next to the Off text.  Leave blank if you do not want an icon. The string must be one of these.
  • Off Button Text – Off button text to be displayed
  • Off Feedback Text – Off feedback text to be displayed on the tile as well as controls page.
  • Show CH Icons – clicking on the “CH Icons” link will bring up the webpage that documents the various Crestron Home icon strings.


  • Extension Disable –  Disable the extension
  • Extension Enable –  Enable the extension
  • Toggle On Feedback –  Set the state of the toggle to on
  • Toggle Off Feedback – Set the state of the toggle to off


  • Extension Disabled – Toggle is Disabled
  • Extension Enabled – Toggle is Enabled
  • Toggle Is On – Toggle is in the On State
  • Toggle Is Off – Toggle is in the Off State

Additional information

Crestron Home OS Version

OS3, OS4