Bond Bridge Fan


This Crestron Home extension provides an interface to a Bond Bridge (Pro)  fan device.

SKU: CPLLC.BondBridge.Fan Categories: , , , ,


This Crestron Home extension provides an interface to a Bond Bridge (Pro)  fan device.  Details on the Bond Bridge device can be found here.

The extension only provides for control of a fan.  To simplify the install you should consider the Bond Bridge Platform which can be found here.  Using the platform reduces the need to find device Ids as well as manages the reboot/restart process.  The platform also allows control of all devices configured in the Bond Bridge.

Drivers->Fan->Bond Bridge->Fan (Latest Release Notes) (Download Latest Version)

Windows utility that simplifies sideloading of drivers and extensions.

This extension requires the License Manager to also be installed on the Crestron Home processor.  This can be found in Crestron Home at Drivers->License Manager->Control Programming LLC->License Manager.

Installer Options

  • Obtain License Key – clicking on the opens a webpage on which a license can be acquired
  • Enter License Key – License key obtained above can be placed here
  • Starting PIN Code – Enter the initial PIN code.  Leave blank to disable PIN codes.
  • Show on Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.Sho
  • Show on Room Screen – check if you want the tile visible in the Room.
  • Tile Clickable – enable room tile so that if touched it will toggle between on and off
  • Bond Bridge’s IP Address – IP Address assigned to the Bond Bridge (Pro)
  • Bond Bridge’s Local Token – Security token assigned to the Bond Bridge and the release notes show how to find this string.
  • Bond Bridge’s Device Id – Unique ID for the specific device to be controlled and the release notes show how to find this string.


  • Enabled – enable the extension
  • Disable – disable the extensions (all actions will be ignored)
  • Fan Toggle – toggle fan on/off
  • Fan On – turn fan on
  • Fan Off – turn fan off
  • Fan Reverse – set fan in reverse mode (winter)
  • Fan Forward – set fan in forward mode (summer)
  • Fan Speed Increment – Increment fan speed by 1 level
  • Fan Speed Decrement – Decrement fan speed by 1 level
  • Fan Speed Set – Set fan to specific speed
  • Light On – turn light on
  • Light Off – turn light off
  • Up Light On – turn up light on
  • Up Light Off – turn up light off
  • Down Light On – turn down light on
  • Down Light Off – turn down light off


  • Enabled – extension has been enabled
  • Disabled – extension has been disabled
  • Fan is On – fan is on
  • Fan Is Off – fan is off
  • Fan is Reversed – fan direction is now reversed
  • Fan is Forward- fan direction is now forward
  • Light is On – light is on
  • Light is Off – light is off
  • Up Light Is On – up light is on
  • Up Light is Off – up light is off
  • Down Light is On – down light is on
  • Down Light is Off – down light is off