Home Assistant Platform


SKU: CPLLC.HomeAssistant.Platform Categories: , , , , ,


This Crestron Home extension provides a Crestron Home platform interface to a Home Assistant processor.  Details on the Home Assistant environment can be found here.  This extension will retrieve the current configuration of the Home Assistant processor and create the necessary extensions for all configured Binary Sensors,  Lights, Switches, and/or Locks.  Once the platform has been established and the sub extensions created, they can be placed into the appropriate rooms.

Drivers->Platform->Home Assistant>Processor (Latest OS3 Release Notes)  (Download Latest OS3 Version)

Drivers->Platform->Home Assistant>Processor (Latest OS4 Release Notes)  (Download Latest OS4 Version)

Windows utility that simplifies sideloading of drivers and extensions.

Platform Installer Options

  • Obtain License Key – A link to where a license key can be purchased
  • License Key – the license key is entered here (if a site license is being used then the site license only needs to be entered once)
  • IP Address – IP Address assigned to the Home Assistant Processor
  • IP Port – IP port number to use (defaults to 8123)
  • Home Assistant Token – Security token created using the Home Assistant web configuration (the release notes show how to find this string).

Automation Installer Options

  • Show in Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Show on Room Screen – checked if you want this visible in the Room screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Automation Started Icon – icon to display when automation is started
  • Automation Started Text – text to display when automation is started
  • Automation Stopped Icon – icon to display when automation is stopped
  • Automation Stopped Text – text to display when automation is stopped

Automation Events

  • Automation is Started – automation is started
  • Automation is Stopped – automation is stopped


Binary Sensor Installer Options

  • Show in Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Show on Room Screen – checked if you want this visible in the Room screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Controls Page Title – text to be displayed on the controls page.
  • Binary Sensor Closed Icon – icon to display when sensor is on/closed
  • Binary Sensor Closed Text – text to display when sensor is on/closed
  • Binary Sensor Opened Icon – icon to display when sensor is off/opened
  • Binary Sensor Opened Text – text to display when sensor is off/close

Binary Sensor Actions (There are none as this is a feedback only extension)

Binary Sensor Events

  • Binary Sensor is Opened – sensor is off/opened
  • Binary Sensor is Closed – sensor is on/closed


Cover Installer Options  (Shades/Drapes/Gates/GarageDoor)

  • Show in Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Show on Room Screen – checked if you want this visible in the Room screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.

Cover Actions

  • Cover Open – open cover
  • Cover Stop – stop cover movement
  • Cover Close – close cover
  • Cover Set Position – set open position of cover
  • Cover Tilt Open – open tilt
  • Cover Tilt Stop – stop tilt movement
  • Cover Tilt Close – close tilt
  • Cover Tilt Set Position – set open position of tilt

Cover Events

  • Cover is Open – cover is opened
  • Cover is Opening – cover is opening
  • Cover is Closing – cover is closing
  • Cover is Closed – cover is close


Light Installer Options

  • Show in Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Show on Room Screen – checked if you want this visible in the Room screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.

Light Actions

  • Light On – turns light on at the level/color prior to light being turned off
  • Light Off – turn off light
  • Light Toggle – toggle light between on/off
  • Light Level – turn light on at a specific level
  • RGB – turn light on at a specific RGB color (available depending on type of light)
  • RGBW – turn light on at a specific RGBW color(available depending on type of light)
  • RGBWW – turn light on at a specific RGBWW color (available depending on type of light)

Light Events

    • Light is On – light has been turned on
    • Light is Off – light has been turned off


Switch Installer Options

  • Show in Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Show on Room Screen – checked if you want this visible in the Room screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Controls Page Title – text to be displayed on the controls page.
  • Switch On Icon – icon to display when switch is in the on position
  • Switch On Text – text to display when switch is in the on position
  • Switch Off Icon – icon to display when switch is in the off position
  • Switch Off Text – text to display when switch is in the off position

Switch Actions 

  • Switch On – turn on switch
  • Switch Off – turn off switch
  • Switch Toggle – toggle switch between on/off

Switch Events

  • Switch is On – switch is on
  • Switch is Off – switch is off


Lock Installer Options

  • Show in Home Screen – checked if you want this visible on the Home screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Show on Room Screen – checked if you want this visible in the Room screen.  Otherwise leave unchecked.
  • Controls Page Title – text to be displayed on the controls page.
  • Locked Icon – icon to display when lock is locked
  • Locked Text – text to display when lock is locked
  • Locking Text – text to display when lock is being locked
  • UnLocked Icon – icon to display when lock is unlocked
  • UnLocked Text – text to display when lock is unlocked
  • Unlocking Text – text to display when lock is being unlocked

Lock Actions 

  • Lock Lock – lock the lock
  • Lock UnLock – unlock the lock

Lock Events

  • Lock is Locked – lock is locked
  • Lock is Locking – lock is locking
  • Lock is UnLocking – lock is unlocking
  • Lock is UnLocked – lock is unlocked

Additional information

Crestron Home OS Version

OS3, OS4